Environmental Microbiology
Lecture Notes
This section contains a sample of student notes that have been transcribed into electronic format.
Lecture 1 - History of Microbiology (PDF)
Lecture 2 - Microorganisms (PDF)
Lecture 3 - Cell-wall Surface and Internal Structures (PDF)
Lecture 4 - Genetic Elements, Chromosomes, Organization in Prokaryotes, and Plasmids (PDF)
Lecture 5 - Transposable Genetic Elements (PDF)
Lecture 6 - Fate of Transferred DNA (PDF)
Lecture 7 - Metabolism, Biosynthesis, and Assimilation of Inorganic Nutrients (PDF)
Lecture 8 - Biosynthesis and Fueling, and Central Metabolism (PDF)
Lecture 9 - Fermentation and Respiration (PDF)
Lecture 10 - Electron Accepters and Energetic Considerations (PDF)
Lecture 11 - Peripheral Metabolism (PDF)
Lecture 12 - Autotrophy, CO2-Fixation, Phototrophy, and Lithotrophy (PDF)
Lecture 13 - Chemolithotrophic Organisms and Biogeochemical Cycles (PDF)
Lecture 14 - Regulation and Microbial Ecology (PDF)
Lecture 15 - Melting Curves, PCR, and Cloning (PDF)
Lecture 16 - Estimation of Diversity (PDF)
Lecture 17 - Microbial Activity in the Environment, and Growth and Biodegradation (PDF)
Lecture 18 - Microbial Population Interactions (PDF)
Lecture 19 - Predation and Microbial Community Structure (PDF)
Lecture 20 - Organic Pollutants and Factors Affecting Biodegradation (PDF)
Lecture 21 - Indicator Organisms (PDF)