Display # 
Title Hits
Circuits and Electronics 49
Introduction to Convex Optimization 47
Introduction to Programming in Java 46
Machine Learning 55
Operating System Engineering 34
Principles of Digital Communication I 48
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python 34
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python-I 56
Advanced Algorithms 27
Advanced Complexity Theory 19
Advanced Data Structures 27
Advanced Electromagnetism 27
Advanced Natural Language Processing 22
Advanced Topics in Cryptography 21
Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programmi ng 22
Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Opt imization 27
Algorithms for Computational Biology 21
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits 24
Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics 21
Applied Superconductivity 19
Artificial Intelligence 40
Artificial Intelligence-I 36
Automata, Computability, and Complexity 23
Automatic Speech Recognition 23
Bioinformatics and Proteomics 26
Biomedical Computing 19
Biomedical Devices Design Laboratory 19
Building Programming Experience A Lead-I 19
Communication System Design 19
Communications and Information Policy 25
Complex Digital Systems 41
Compound Semiconductor Devices 41
Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution 23
Computational Cognitive Science 18
Computational Evolutionary Biology 47
Computational Functional Genomics 20
Computational Models of Discourse 18
Computer Language Engineering 36
Computer Networks 37
Computer System Architecture 25
Computer System Engineering 26
Continuum Electromechanics 23
Control of Manufacturing Processes 41
Convex Analysis and Optimization 19
Data Communication Networks 23
Database Systems 28
Discrete Stochastic Processes 20
Discrete-Time Signal Processing 23
Distributed Algorithms 21
Distributed Computer Systems Engineering 24
Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control 20
Dynamic Systems and Control 21
Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems 24
Electric Machines 21
Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion 21
Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion-I 21
Electromagnetic Wave Theory 22
Electromagnetics 20
Electromagnetics and Applications 22
Elements of Software Construction 21
Elements of Software Construction-I 20
Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis 22
Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector 19
Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector-I 20
Essential Coding Theory 23
Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Fron tier 19
Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems 43
Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems-I 22
Foundations of Algorithms and Computation al Techniques in Systems Biology 22
Fundamentals of Photonics Quantum Electr onics 19
Fundamentals of Probability 23
Game Theory with Engineering Applications 25
Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science 22
Hands-On Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab Skills 23
High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems 24
Information and Entropy 22
Information Theory 17
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Opt imization 20
Integrated Microelectronic Devices 23
Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) 19
Introduction to Bioengineering 22
Introduction to C Memory Management and C++ Object-Oriented Programming 23
Introduction to C++ 32
Introduction to Communication, Control, a nd Signal Processing 108
Introduction to Computer Science and Prog ramming 51
Introduction to Electric Power Systems 23
Introduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement 27
Introduction to Mathematical Programming 25
Introduction to MATLAB 32
Introduction to Nanoelectronics 19
Introduction to Numerical Methods 22
Introduction to Numerical Simulation 23
Introduction to Plasma Physics I 20
Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory 20
Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory 47
Inventions and Patents 22
Knowledge-Based Applications Systems 22
Laboratory in Software Engineering 22
Logistical and Transportation Planning Me thods 54
Machine Vision 23
Management in Engineering 19
Mathematics for Computer Science 25
Mathematics for Computer Science-I 38
Mathematics for Computer Science-II 25
Medical Computing 24
Medical Decision Support 21
Medical Decision Support-I 21
Micro & Nano Processing Technology 20
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits 57
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits-I 21
Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory 23
Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechan ics 55
Multicore Programming Primer 21
Multithreaded Parallelism Languages and Compilers 49
Multivariable Control Systems 21
Network and Computer Security 27
Network Optimization 17
Networks 28
Nonlinear Programming 20
Nonlinear Programming-I 46
Numerical Methods for Partial Differentia l Equations (SMA 5212) 20
Optimization Methods 22
Organic Optoelectronics 23
Performance Engineering of Software Syste ms 23
Pervasive Human Centric Computing 18
Physics of Microfabrication Front End Pr ocessing 20
Power Electronics 25
Practical Programming in C 48
Principles of Digital Communication II 22
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability 21
Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences 19
Quantitative Physiology Organ Transport S ystems 38
Quantum Complexity Theory 20
Quantum Information Science 19
Quantum Optical Communication 20
Randomized Algorithms 19
Receivers, Antennas, and Signals 21
Representation and Modeling for Image Ana lysis 40
Selected Topics in Cryptography 40
Semiconductor Manufacturing 19
Signals and Systems 36
Street-Fighting Mathematics 21
Strobe Project Laboratory 22
Submicrometer and Nanometer Technology 19
System Identification 21
Teaching College-Level Science and Engine ering 19
Techniques in Artificial Intelligence 25
The Art of Approximation in Science and E ngineering 48
The Lexicon and Its Features 20
Theory of Parallel Hardware 47
Theory of Parallel Systems 20
Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBI 43
Ultrafast Optics 20
User Interface Design and Implementation 26
User Interface Design and Implementation-I 22