Circuits and Electronics
41 |
Introduction to Convex Optimization
38 |
Introduction to Programming in Java
40 |
Machine Learning
46 |
Operating System Engineering
25 |
Principles of Digital Communication I
40 |
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python
25 |
A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python-I
46 |
Advanced Algorithms
20 |
Advanced Complexity Theory
13 |
Advanced Data Structures
19 |
Advanced Electromagnetism
20 |
Advanced Natural Language Processing
15 |
Advanced Topics in Cryptography
14 |
Adventures in Advanced Symbolic Programmi ng
15 |
Algebraic Techniques and Semidefinite Opt imization
20 |
Algorithms for Computational Biology
14 |
Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits
16 |
Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics
14 |
Applied Superconductivity
12 |
Artificial Intelligence
32 |
Artificial Intelligence-I
27 |
Automata, Computability, and Complexity
16 |
Automatic Speech Recognition
16 |
Bioinformatics and Proteomics
19 |
Biomedical Computing
13 |
Biomedical Devices Design Laboratory
13 |
Building Programming Experience A Lead-I
12 |
Communication System Design
12 |
Communications and Information Policy
18 |
Complex Digital Systems
32 |
Compound Semiconductor Devices
34 |
Computational Biology: Genomes, Networks, Evolution
17 |
Computational Cognitive Science
12 |
Computational Evolutionary Biology
41 |
Computational Functional Genomics
13 |
Computational Models of Discourse
11 |
Computer Language Engineering
29 |
Computer Networks
28 |
Computer System Architecture
18 |
Computer System Engineering
18 |
Continuum Electromechanics
15 |
Control of Manufacturing Processes
34 |
Convex Analysis and Optimization
12 |
Data Communication Networks
16 |
Database Systems
20 |
Discrete Stochastic Processes
12 |
Discrete-Time Signal Processing
16 |
Distributed Algorithms
14 |
Distributed Computer Systems Engineering
16 |
Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control
13 |
Dynamic Systems and Control
13 |
Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems
16 |
Electric Machines
13 |
Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion
14 |
Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion-I
14 |
Electromagnetic Wave Theory
15 |
13 |
Electromagnetics and Applications
15 |
Elements of Software Construction
14 |
Elements of Software Construction-I
13 |
Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis
14 |
Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector
13 |
Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector-I
14 |
Essential Coding Theory
17 |
Ethics and the Law on the Electronic Fron tier
12 |
Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems
35 |
Fields, Forces and Flows in Biological Systems-I
16 |
Foundations of Algorithms and Computation al Techniques in Systems Biology
15 |
Fundamentals of Photonics Quantum Electr onics
13 |
Fundamentals of Probability
16 |
Game Theory with Engineering Applications
17 |
Great Ideas in Theoretical Computer Science
14 |
Hands-On Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab Skills
17 |
High Speed Communication Circuits and Systems
18 |
Information and Entropy
15 |
Information Theory
11 |
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Opt imization
14 |
Integrated Microelectronic Devices
15 |
Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503)
11 |
Introduction to Bioengineering
14 |
Introduction to C Memory Management and C++ Object-Oriented Programming
18 |
Introduction to C++
24 |
Introduction to Communication, Control, a nd Signal Processing
102 |
Introduction to Computer Science and Prog ramming
44 |
Introduction to Electric Power Systems
16 |
Introduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement
18 |
Introduction to Mathematical Programming
18 |
Introduction to MATLAB
22 |
Introduction to Nanoelectronics
12 |
Introduction to Numerical Methods
14 |
Introduction to Numerical Simulation
15 |
Introduction to Plasma Physics I
12 |
Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory
14 |
Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory
40 |
Inventions and Patents
16 |
Knowledge-Based Applications Systems
15 |
Laboratory in Software Engineering
16 |
Logistical and Transportation Planning Me thods
48 |
Machine Vision
15 |
Management in Engineering
12 |
Mathematics for Computer Science
19 |
Mathematics for Computer Science-I
31 |
Mathematics for Computer Science-II
17 |
Medical Computing
16 |
Medical Decision Support
13 |
Medical Decision Support-I
13 |
Micro & Nano Processing Technology
12 |
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
49 |
Microelectronic Devices and Circuits-I
14 |
Mobile Autonomous Systems Laboratory
15 |
Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechan ics
48 |
Multicore Programming Primer
13 |
Multithreaded Parallelism Languages and Compilers
41 |
Multivariable Control Systems
14 |
Network and Computer Security
20 |
Network Optimization
12 |
19 |
Nonlinear Programming
12 |
Nonlinear Programming-I
39 |
Numerical Methods for Partial Differentia l Equations (SMA 5212)
14 |
Optimization Methods
15 |
Organic Optoelectronics
16 |
Performance Engineering of Software Syste ms
16 |
Pervasive Human Centric Computing
12 |
Physics of Microfabrication Front End Pr ocessing
13 |
Power Electronics
17 |
Practical Programming in C
39 |
Principles of Digital Communication II
15 |
Probabilistic Systems Analysis and Applied Probability
13 |
Projects in Microscale Engineering for the Life Sciences
12 |
Quantitative Physiology Organ Transport S ystems
31 |
Quantum Complexity Theory
13 |
Quantum Information Science
12 |
Quantum Optical Communication
13 |
Randomized Algorithms
13 |
Receivers, Antennas, and Signals
14 |
Representation and Modeling for Image Ana lysis
31 |
Selected Topics in Cryptography
34 |
Semiconductor Manufacturing
13 |
Signals and Systems
26 |
Street-Fighting Mathematics
14 |
Strobe Project Laboratory
14 |
Submicrometer and Nanometer Technology
12 |
System Identification
14 |
Teaching College-Level Science and Engine ering
13 |
Techniques in Artificial Intelligence
18 |
The Art of Approximation in Science and E ngineering
41 |
The Lexicon and Its Features
12 |
Theory of Parallel Hardware
39 |
Theory of Parallel Systems
13 |
Transcribing Prosodic Structure of Spoken Utterances with ToBI
38 |
Ultrafast Optics
13 |
User Interface Design and Implementation
19 |
User Interface Design and Implementation-I
15 |