Marine Power and Propulsion
Lecture Notes
LEC # |
1 |
Resistance and propulsion (propulsors) (PDF) |
2 |
Actuator disk Propeller testing - B series (PDF) |
Actuator disk (PDF) |
3 |
Design using Kt (Kq) curves (PDF) Detail design (PDF) |
Propeller note book (PDF) |
4 |
Cavitation (PDF) Waterjet notes (PDF) |
5 |
First law (PDF) |
Summary of thermo (PDF) |
6 |
Second law (PDF) Availability (PDF) |
Keenan availabilty (PDF) |
7 |
Propeller lifting line theory (Dr. Rich Kimball) |
Propeller design plot example (PDF) Units (propulsors) (PDF) |
8 |
Propeller lifting line theory (Dr. Rich Kimball) (cont.) |
9 |
Propeller lifting line theory (Dr. Rich Kimball) (cont.) |
10 |
Water properties (Prof. Doug Carmichael) (PDF) Rankine cycle (Prof. Doug Carmichael) (PDF) |
11 |
Rankine cycle vs. pressure and temperature (Prof. Doug Carmichael) (PDF) Practical Rankine cycle (Prof. Doug Carmichael) (PDF) Rankine cycle with regeneration (PDF) Rankine cycle vs. pressure with reheat (PDF) |
12 |
Combustion (PDF) |
13 |
Relationships for gases (PDF) |
Properties of gases (PDF) |
14 |
Basic dual cycle diesel notes (PDF) |
15 |
Diesel analysis (cont.) |
16 |
Diesel (cont.) or catch-up (PDF) |
17 |
Polytropic efficiency (PDF) Brayton cycle summary 2005 (PDF) |
18 |
Brayton cycle - irreversible examples (PDF) Open Brayton cycle (PDF) Creep (PDF) |
19 |
Electrical theory overview (PDF) |
20 |
Motors and generators overview (PDF) |
21 |
Electric propulsion presentation, guest lecturer Prof. Harbour |
22 |
Reliability and availability (PDF) Repairable systems supplement (PDF) |
23 |
Reduction gears notes (PDF) |
Marine engineering (PDF) (Courtesy of SNAME. Used with permission.) |
24 |
Gear geometry(PDF - 5.3 MB) Helical gear geometry (PDF) |
25 |
Gear geometry(PDF - 5.4 MB) Helical gears (PDF) An attempt at showing gear meshing(AVI 1 - 1.0 MB) A more completely designed gear video(AVI 2 - 10.3 MB) |
Gear automation and design revised(PDF - 1.0 MB) |
26 |
Review, catch-up Air independent propulsion (PDF) Animation of a stirling engine (AVI - 39.5 MB) |
Problem set 1 (PDF) |
(PDF) |
Problem set 2 (PDF) |
ps2_soln.xmcd (XMCD) |
Problem set 3 (PDF) Associated MATLAB® files:Main (M) Meanline (M) Plotting (M) Reports (M) Thickness (M) VLM (M) VLM (FIG) |
ps3_soln.xmcd (XMCD) |
Problem set 4 (PDF) |
(PDF) |
Problem set 5 (PDF - 1.1 MB) |
(PDF) |
Problem set 6 (PDF) |
(PDF) |
Exam 1 (PDF)
Exam 1 Solution (PDF)
The final project is a three-part frigate propulsion plant design project. Below are the full descriptions for each part.
Part 1 (PDF)
Part 2 (PDF)
Part 3 (PDF)