Electromagnetic Fields, Forces, and Motion
As taught in: Spring 2005
Course Features
Course Highlights
This course also features three online textbooks, one of which has video demonstrations related to electromagnetism concepts.
Course Description
6.641 examines electric and magnetic quasistatic forms of Maxwell's equations applied to dielectric, conduction, and magnetization boundary value problems. Topics covered include: electromagnetic forces, force densities, and stress tensors, including magnetization and polarization; thermodynamics of electromagnetic fields, equations of motion, and energy conservation; applications to synchronous, induction, and commutator machines; sensors and transducers; microelectromechanical systems; propagation and stability of electromechanical waves; and charge transport phenomena.
The instructor would like to thank Thomas Larsen for transcribing into LaTeX selected homework problems, homework solutions, and exams.
*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.